Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Before and After: Living/Dining Rooms

Here is a couple Before and Afters of our living and dining room progress.
Kilka zdjec naszego salonu i jadalni, przed i po.

XOXO Aneta

Monday, December 17, 2012

Silly Boys

Even in the winter, I make my boys mini popsicles.
All natural: raspberries with a banana and some water.
Nawet w zimie robie dzieciom mrozonki na patyczkach z owocow.
Wszystko naturalne: malinki, banan, i woda.

Jumping on the bed before bedtime.
Skakanie na lozku przed spaniem.

And the mandatory hand and foot cream. They love it!
I uwielbiaja sie wysmarowac przed spaniem!

XOXO Aneta

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Kacper is 3!!!

Happy 3rd Birthday Kacper!

Sto Lat Kacperku! Masz juz 3 latka!

XOXO Aneta

Parapetowa u Cioci Moniki...

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Let there be snow!




Finally, winter has arrived!
The boys just couldn't wait to dig their noses in the snow!
I think our first winter in Innisfil is going to be lots of fun...
considering last year, living in Brampton, there was hardly any 'white stuff'.

Nareszcie, snieg!
Chlopaki nie mogli sie doczekac bawic sie na polu!
Mysle ze nasza pierwsza zima w nowym miasteczku bedzie bardzo zabawna.

Short video (krotki filmik)

XOXO Aneta
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