Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Let there be snow!




Finally, winter has arrived!
The boys just couldn't wait to dig their noses in the snow!
I think our first winter in Innisfil is going to be lots of fun...
considering last year, living in Brampton, there was hardly any 'white stuff'.

Nareszcie, snieg!
Chlopaki nie mogli sie doczekac bawic sie na polu!
Mysle ze nasza pierwsza zima w nowym miasteczku bedzie bardzo zabawna.

Short video (krotki filmik)

XOXO Aneta

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Barrie Santa Claus Parade

We attended the Barrie Santa Claus Parade for the first time.
We lucked out because the weather was the best!
The crowds were huge. Wish I had a ladder to take a pic of everyone!
Definitely coming again next year... weather permitting...


XOXO Aneta


My godmother is the little girl in the middle of the picture.

Babcia with the beautiful braid in her hair.

I know that my Babcia worked in a soda factory.
I think this may have been something to do with that.

My mom is on the left. Such a pretty girl she was!

That's my mom in the middle. Cute!

Dziadzio Romek

My mom in the braids.


XOXO Aneta

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