Saturday, October 25, 2014

Last days of my Garden / Ostatnie Dni Ogrodka

My little garden is in it's final days as fall sets in. 
Everything has started to dry up and wilt. 
I have planted some salad, turnip and spinach seeds 
about 6 weeks ago and they are growing sparsely but nicely. 
My beautiful colored swiss chard is still growing strong 
and bountiful. I will be cutting them all down soon and 
preserving for the winter. Probably steaming them to a soft
wilt and freezing in blocks for soups and scrambled eggs, which
is my favorite way to eat it.

Moj maly ogrodek juz jest w ostatnich swoich dniach. Juz sie
zimno robi, i wszystko powoli umiera. Botwinka jeszcze pieknie
rosnie, ale nie dlugo bede ja zbierac i mrozic na zime w kostkach
po gotowaniu. Posialam tez nasionka szpinaku, salaty i rzepki i
rosna sobie ladnie. Pewnie beda dawac nam pyszne zieleninki 
az do zimy. 

XOXO Aneta

Autumn / Jesien

Cousins in a tub. 

Some relaxing evening painting.

Eliza caught this beautiful sunrise this morning.

We went for a drive around Innisfil and it's beautiful farms. 
Here are some of my favourite pictures...

XOXO Aneta

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